The SIBF Global Network Foundation supports extraordinary leadership journeys – empowering emerging leaders to drive impact and innovation in their companies, communities and the world


To educate, empower and transform leaders around the world through leadership development, mentorship and global networks.

Expanding our reach

The Global Reach Fund, a $5 million endowment, will enhance current networks in Central Eurasia, the Middle East and South East Asia and expand leadership networks to other regions of the world.

Transformative learning

Leadership Academies foster the development of forward-thinking leaders, bringing together 40 mid-career professionals for a week of learning and follow-on networking opportunities. The Academy offers access to a global network of peers and mentors, best practices, and a vast web of international business resources. To date, 35 academies have been held in Central Eurasia, Middle East, South East Asia and North America.

An intensive, multicultural exploration of self, purpose and passion navigated by experienced business leaders

An intensive, multicultural exploration of self, purpose and passion steered by experienced business leaders

“Even when I arrived at the Academy, I was hesitant. The agenda reminded me of programs that I had attended before. Little did I know how all that would change. It became the most transformational experience of my life…”

Raheel WaqarCommunications CEO, Pakistan, 2015 Southeast Asia Leadership Academy

“What I expected to be a typical academic course on leadership and strategy skills turned out to be a once-in-a-life-time experience that I will cherish as long as I live. MELA is an unmatched hub for networking, a continuous learning environment that has been fundamental to my growth as a senior professional in private equity and in building the entrepreneurial foundation for my future goals.”

Omar El-LabbanPartner, Beltone Private Equity, Egypt, 2011 Middle East Leadership Academy

“Often when you experience something very positive in your life, you immediately want to go through it once again. Ten days of the CELA Academy in Istanbul is comparable with the best ten days of school. There is a huge team of experts working to ensure that all the carefully selected participants benefit from the program. Today, the Academy concept is expanding throughout the Middle East, South East Asia and North America which proves its magnetic effect to unite successful people from all over the world.”

Parviz KamoliddinovDeputy Country Manager& Regional Trade Specialist, USAID Afghanistan Trade, Tajikistan, 2007 Central Eurasia Leadership Academy

“The Central Eurasia Leadership Alliance is a powerful network of young professionals. CELA’s most precious assets are the people! I emerged from the Academy with enhanced self-confidence and leadership skills – and as a member of an international network.”

Tatyana BystrushkinaExecutive Director, American Chamber of Commerce, Uzbekistan, 2011 Central Eurasia Leadership Academy

“The Academy experience is simply life-changing. It has changed how I approach daily life, helped to clarify the decisions I take, and improved my relationships, both professional as well as personal. One of the best things about SEALA is that it helped re-connect me with my purpose, and trained me to pursue it. Once I started to see the overall effect…what takes top place is the humbling realization that my dream is increasingly becoming achievable. I have been enabled to take steps toward my passion, purpose and calling.”

Saman ImtiazHead of British Council Services for International Education Marketing, Pakistan, 2017 South East Asia Leadership Academy

pledged toward $5 million goal

Advancing cultural exchange and understanding to promote regional cooperation among rising leaders


participants’ average age




C-suite, partners,
senior managers &



A leadership passage to amplify personal and professional impact

A leadership passage to amplify personal and professional impact

The Olive Leaf Palolea Story

“I have always dreamed of creating Palolea. MELA introduced me to mentors and resources that turned that dream into reality. Palolea is the first company in the Middle East to harness olive leaf extract for pharmaceutical and nutritional benefit. We are recognized as an innovator in the health food industry, and extremely proud to be the first company established in the Jericho Agro-Industrial Park.”

Hitham Kayali, Palolea CEO & Founder, 2011 Middle East Leadership Academy

The Olive Leaf Palolea Story

“I have always dreamed of creating Palolea. MELA introduced me to mentors and resources that turned that dream into reality. Palolea is the first company in the Middle East to harness olive leaf extract for pharmaceutical and nutritional benefit. We are recognized as an innovator in the health food industry, and extremely proud to be the first company established in the Jericho Agro-Industrial Park.”

Hitham Kayali, Palolea CEO & Founder, 2011 Middle East Leadership Academy

Gateway to a vast, global network of mentors, business contacts and key influencers


leaders worldwide


extended connections

Enhancing decision making, driving purposeful action and improving team performance

  • Potential Network Sites: Latin America, Africa, Central & Eastern Europe


Founding Donors

Neda Barqawi & Khalid Hamied・Jack & Tifi Bierley・Bob and Linda Blanchard・Ernst & Christina Bruderer・Brad & Dianne Champlin・Kareem Dabbous・Stewart Dansby・Susan & Don Freeman・Palmer & Doug Garson・Nick & Lisa Hoffman・Randall James・Jimmy & Ibby Mills・Mary Louise Mims・Vickie & Pete Neighbour・Bill Pendleton・Ham & Kim Poynor・Johnny & Carolanne Roberts・Jane Shivers & Bill Sharp・Luke & Susan Simons・Rick & Aase Thompson・Vulcan Value Partners・Dan & Tracey White・Gary & Sheryl Wood・David & Barbara Zacks


By 2040, SIBF will reach 5,000 emerging leaders through programs in key regions, unifying global network members through a common experience of continuing leadership education, strong personal relationships, and a commitment to excellence in their communities, businesses and organizations. The strength of this network will be a factor in making the world more peaceful, more productive, and more sustainable in the face of constant change and global challenges.

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, UAE, and Yemen

Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Phillipines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam