Hikmat Abdurahmanov, Entrepreneur, HUMO Partners, Uzbekistan, 2012 Central Eurasia Leadership Academy
“CELA is a network that allows one to look beyond borders, both physically and mentally. I almost never miss reunions, since this group of likeminded people serves as an inspiration. Through my involvement in the CELA network, I have met many advisors and business partners. I co-founded HUMO Partners, a group of companies in trade, finance, business tourism, logistics, advisory services, business education and acceleration. Our projects include a Business Lab that popularizes entrepreneurship and coworking spaces and serves as a business accelerator for young entrepreneurs and organize annual entrepreneurship weeks under the umbrella of Global Entrepreneurship Network with the support of the Uzbek government.”
“Hikmat took to heart the self-discovery journey of the CELA academy, and over the years he has improved the state of his life and the lives of his family, his business and now his country. Hikmat brought his two business partners, leaders of his affiliated companies and many successful business people in Uzbekistan to join CELA since 2012 so that a thread of CELA experience and trust extends to his work in the Task Force Tashkent 2025 strategic vision. He has also reached into the SEALA network in South East Asia when he and his family lived in Singapore and now is using the networks for business contacts in Turkey. Having served as CELA Chair, Hikmat has given much to the CELA network as well and continues to help other members of the affiliated networks with his expertise.” Academy Facilitator and SIBF Member – Meade Sutterfield, Entrepreneur & Investor